21:36 27/04/2023 version 1.15 - High DPI aware - Router data now displayed using Consolas 8pt - Fix: AV accessing raw data when no data present 19:23 30/08/2022 version 1.14 - Fix: data computed correctly for profiles different from 17A. - Bins SNR data are plotted separately upstream/downstream because they could overlap and no group size is returned in vdsl showbins. - VDSL profile read automatically from status data - Profile selection removed - HLog/QLN/SNR/Bins data can be now loaded directly from files containing the output of the telnet commands. Note that bins data need to be in a single file, and the DOWNSTREAM/UPSTREAM headers need to be present. - Configuration and Statistics data files now at version 2. This version can read previous versions files, but previous versions won't read version 2 files 14:12 12/02/2022 version 1.13 - Removed dependendy from MIDAS.DLL 21:14 03/09/2021 version 1.12 - Input panels always shown to make comparing data easier - Statistics cannot be load from file or removed while retrieving data - Syslog support removed until ready 18:01 19/06/2021 version 1.11 - Legend button show a window with statistisc data meanings - Preliminary support for receiving data via remote syslog, needs to be enabled on the router side (not fully tested, use at your own risk). An upcoming version will let the user enable the syslog client via telnet 23:28 21/02/2021 version 1.10 - QLN chart lower limit set to -150 (Draytel value for "no value") 21:06 17/02/2021 version 1.9 - Statistics reading performed on a separate thread - Data shown as soon as they are read and parsed 20:45 12/02/2021 version 1.8 - Multiple statistics set can be retrieved - Multiple statistics set can be loaded from file - Listbox to select which statistics to show - Graphs can be copied to clipboard via contextual menu 20:29 11/02/2021 version 1.7 - Statistics can be saved and loaded to/from file 20:47 07/02/2021 version 1.6 - Gain data now displayed in dB, not deci-decibels as retured by showbins 22:00 04/02/2021 version 1.5 - "Inventory" data retrieved - Missing commands should not interrupt processing - minor UI bugs fixed 15:52 03/02/2021 version 1.3 - All "vdsl showbins" data are plotted when "Include showbins" is selected - Removed control to select which "showbins" data to plot 15:26 03/02/2021 version 1.2 - Configurations can be saved and loaded - A configuration can be loaded on startup using -c switch 10:03 03/02/2021 version 1.1 - Router name can be set to match non standard telnet prompt - Telnet port can be set when different from 23 - Bitloading graph improved - Fixed a bug which didn't allow a new login after a failed one 20:00 02/02/2021 version 1.0 - Initial release