More and more phone lines are being switched to VoIP, especially where FTTH is being deployed. When using the ISP modem/router it usually performs the ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) role too, and it is already configured for VoIP – just plug the telephone in one of its PHONE/TEL ports (technically – FXS ports), or connect […]
Latest version of TrueNAS Core ISO files, after being been “burned” on a USB disk for setup, won’t boot on older motherboards with older BIOS predating UEFI. This is a bit strange since once installed TrueNAS can boot, and the installer will ask you nicely if you wish to boot the OS from UEFI or […]
One interesting feature of the DrayTek Vigor 165 is the ability to schedule firewall rules, rules can be enabled and disabled using the router’s scheduler. For examples some clients can be forbidden Internet access at a given time. Combined with other types of filters, like URL filters, it can also be used to let users […]
Prior to version 1.14, data for 35b and other profiles are not shown correctly because of the way DrayTek packs data into the HLog/QLN/SNR structures returned by telnet commands – upstream and downstream data may use different “group size” – how many point are coalesced into a single entry. Don’t know if they average the […]
DrayTek Vigor 165 firewall setup
How to configure DrayTek Vigor 165 firewall with strict security and separate filters for inbound and outbound traffic.
Moving to WordPress.
I’m moving this site to WordPress because Drupal became too messy to administer in some spare time. The fact the database in Drupal 8 became just a storage for application-produced “BLOBs” was the nail in the coffin. Any mis-configuration required too much time to fix, while modules often couldn’t keep pace with the new faster […]
Draytek Stat Processor
DrayTek routers have some advanced configuration capabilities, but their web UI is not one of the best ones around. Especially, it doesn’t display many useful data about VDSL connections which are actually available, but only accessible via telnet/ssh. Moreover they are displayed in a text format only, which makes some of them not very useful. […]
DrayTek Vigor 165 QoS setup
It looks the DrayTek Vigor 165 xDSL modem/router supports some QoS features, despite the fact the datasheet does not mention them. They are available from the CLI, and partially in the web UI via a bug in the firewall filter setup page. The CLI gives access to the qos setup, qos class and qos […]
Disabling the dnscache service in Windows 10 looks to bring a series of issues. I found out when I upgraded a machine from Windows 7 to Windows 10. That machine had the service disabled because it was used in a test environment where often DNS entries changed, and the default cache settings of Windows 7 […]
This post is in Italian because moslty useful for Italian readers only. Mi è capitato di dover configurare recentemente un ATA Cisco SPA 112 (uscito di produzione pochi mesi fa) per funzionare con il VoIP di WindTre. WindTre è molto parca di informazioni quando si richiedono le configurazioni VoIP per utilizzare un modem non WindTre, […]